Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Do a pr-eprosthetic management, stump care, stump management and get in touch with your prosthetist and consult for a prosthetic fitment.

Two weeks after the removal of the sutures.

It is specific and depends from person to person and the reason for amputation. The manufacturing and fitting of your prosthesis will take a few weeks. In average it takes 3-4 visits to get a right fitting. You will be able to walk with the prosthesis for the first time about 2-3 weeks.

Initial one week – 30mins – 1 hour, after one week the timing can be increased according to the amputee activity level.

Stay calm, don’t panic and contact your prosthetist immediately or reach near by Prosthetic and Orthotic clinic.

Every prosthesis is unique and it’s a custom moulded to every individuals your prosthetics will describe you.

The weight of your prosthetic leg will depend on the type of prosthesis and its components. An average below knee prosthesis will weight around 4 pounds and an average above knee prosthesis will weight around 6 pounds. Fact: your prosthetic leg often weights less than a anatomical leg.

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