Wheel Chairs, Sitting & Posture Control

Wheel Chairs, Sitting & Posture Control

Manual Wheelchairs

The first thing you need to know when choosing your wheelchair is: do you need a Standard Wheelchair or a Transport wheelchair. A Standard wheelchair is distinguished by the two large wheels in the back and have smaller “caster” wheels in the front, allowing the sitter to self propel. Transport or Travel wheelchairs cannot be propelled by the sitter only by a companion (all four wheels are the smaller “caster” type). They tend to be lighter to lift and can fold into a tighter space.

Transport Wheelchairs
Transport Wheelchairs
Standard Weight Wheelchair
Standard Weight Wheelchair
Folding Light Weight Wheelchair
Folding Light Weight Wheelchair
Reclining Back Wheelchair
Reclining Back Wheelchair
Heavy Duty Wheelchair
Heavy Duty Wheelchair
Rigid Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair
Rigid Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair

Power Wheelchairs

Welcome to our power chair store. Below, you’ll find no less than the best selection of power wheelchairs on the web, all at affordable prices.

Folding/Portable Wheelchairs
Folding/Portable Wheelchairs
Outdoor Wheelchair
Outdoor Wheelchair
Heavy Duty Wheelchair
Heavy Duty Wheelchair

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