Proprio Foot

Proprio Foot

PROPRIO FOOT from OSSUR is an adaptive microprocessor prosthetic device for low to moderately active below-knee amputees that mimics natural foot motion. Motor- powered ankle motion increases ground clearance and reduces the risk of tripping and falling.

  • Heel Height Adjustability
  • Proportional response
  • Increased toe clearance in swing
  • Automatic terrain adaptation on level-ground, Ramps and stairs
  • Relax-mode for comfortable sitting and chair-exit-mode for easier sit transfers
  • Full length toe lever, Split Toe
  • Weatherproof
Proprio Foot
User Information
Amputation Level: Transfemoral and Transtibial
Impact Level: Mobility Class 2-3
Maximum Patient Weight: 125kg (275lbs)

Prosthetic Feet

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